
19th Anniversary of 9/11: Responding with Certitude, Clarity & Confidence

    It has the potential to be very challenging, however, we can endeavor to learn much from the facts and circumstances of 9/11.

Broadly speaking, terrorists use their actions to promote a political message and to instill fear.

Thus, one of the lessons of 9/11 is the bravery of the American people. A coward does not understand bravery; the terrorists who attacked our country on 9/11 could not have possibly anticipated the courageous actions of the extremely valiant crew and passengers of Flight 93, nor could they have understood the utmost bravery of New York City’s First responders, on that day.

The crew and passengers of Flight 93 fought back against the cowardly terrorists and averted an even bigger disaster, and are accordingly etched in the American psyche as heroes, for eternity. 

The terrorists who carried out the 9/11 attacks do not know love, so they could not have possibly anticipated that the New York City First responders, who so loved their city, would display so much valor in giving up so much for it. 

Another lesson from 9/11 is about confusion. In Washington DC on that fateful day, the US government was conducting a training exercise (allegedly) and thus the terrorists tried to capitalize on the ensuing confusion to gain an advantage towards their attempted attack on our capital. 

Where we encounter ambiguity, we can be sure that our own moral clarity will advance our navigation through that ambiguity. 

When we are sure of ourselves, exogenous inscrutability is not only easily tolerated, it is deftly redirected with precision, certitude and clarity. #NeverForget

Tribute in Light 2017

This blog post is dedicated, with love, to the families of the 9/11 victims. 

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